Awesome Inc. Wiki


Nox ran as fast and as hard as he could, the warmth of Ha'Lyssiss' breath on his back. He could hardly believe what it was he was running from, but he believed it enough not to stop and check. He just could not take the chance that it was real – or at least real enough to do him harm. Somewhere across town, Missy Jean's birthday party must have gone horribly wrong. Her mom should really have thought twice before entertaining the kids with magic; it might seem less dangerous than clowns, but a single line of poorly written code can turn a simple trick into disaster of epic proportions.

Chapter 1

"Happy Birthday Jean!"

Missy had been led here by her mother for a 'special lunch'. To her surprise, there was a full-fledged party in restaurant, with her closest friends Jaden, Nathaniel, Sara and Michelle. Jean grinned, then, as her eyes darted around the room, she frowned slightly. Her mother noticed this and asked,

"What's wrong?"

"Drew, where is he-"

Drew strolled in, "Had to use the loo, what'd I miss?"

Noticing Jean, he smiled.

"I missed the surprise? Happy Birthday!"

Drew had been unaware of Jean's crush on him since third grade, and on this day, her 13th birthday, a day of celebration. She had been determined to tell him how she felt. Her father, Doctor Wesley Peterson, decided to take her to his job this week so she didn't have much time. It was now or never. As she approached Drew she realised that maybe she shouldn't tell him. Since birth she's always suffered from disease and he would be heartbroken to find out something happened to her, she didn't want him to go through the pain, so she backed away, right into Jaden! 

"H-hi Jay! Thank's for the party!" 
