Awesome Inc. Wiki
The Light Society
Base of Operations Lu'ra
Leader(s) Glo'ter Sta'morn and Ar'na
Members Unknown
Enemies Electric, sound and water societies

The 'Light Society' is a society based on the planet Lu'ra. Members of the group can travel at the speed of light, with some limitations, such as having to slow down to turn and are unable to make light constructs. They usepower gauntlets to make light constructs and they fight intergalactic criminal scum. They are allies with the Air, Water and Sound Societies and are part of the Intergalactic Alliance Organisation (IAO).

Power Gauntlets[]

Light Conduit: The gauntlets use light. A Light Gauntlet is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, and has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the universe, such as, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force.

  • Light Blasts: The gauntlet can be used to fire blasts of light or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The gauntlet can project beams of force powered by the light cell of the user.
  • Force-Field: The gauntlet can create various force-fields to protect the wearer. 
  • Light Constructs: The gauntlet cannot form constructs of light.
  • Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the gauntlet allows the user to fly at incredible speeds light speeds.
  • Galactic Encyclopedia: Having the vast knowledge of the to draw upon, each gauntlet functions as a ready reference on most peoples, stellar events and conditions.
  • How you are able to wield them: In every species of every system known and unknown alike, there is at least one person who has a rare cell called the light cell which may be small but is able to infinitely power the light gauntlets